The Unified API for Security Data

Unlock security data from hundreds of tools with a single API

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The current state of
security data is chaotic

app integrations

Security APIs and docs are poorly architected

Data normalization across dozens of tools is painful

Integrations distract your developers from building core features


Leen simplifies
security data

Unified data models per category of security tools

Management of sandboxes, upstream API changes, data availability, and user authentication

Integrations shipped in hours instead of weeks

Built for developers

Get started with a few lines of code

Integrate with Leen’s REST API or via SDKs available in a language of your choice

diagram showing lines of code

Sync any data source

Unified data models allow you to fetch data from security tools used by your customers or internal teams

diagram showing app integrations

Build powerful workflows

Power analytics, threat detection, compliance and remediation workflows in your app

diagram showing security workflows

All the security integrations
you will ever need

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Frequently asked questions

Scale your security
integrations faster with Leen